Pest and Disease Management

Pest and Disease Management

In Pest and Disease Management

"In Pest and Disease Management"

Sanjeevani Agrofoods natural farmers often utilize biological controls and companion planting to "naturally regulate populations" without resorting to chemical interventions. Crop rotation is another essential strategy, preventing the buildup of pests and diseases associated with specific crops.

Sanjeevani agrofoods organic farming extends beyond crop cultivation, encompassing livestock production with an emphasis on animal welfare and the use of organic feed. Certification standards, such as those set by organizations like the "USDA Organic" or the European Union's Organic Regulation, ensure adherence to strict guidelines for aanjeevani agrofoods organic farming practices..

Consumers are increasingly drawn to natural products due to health and environmental concerns, driving the growth of the sanjeevani agrofoods organic farming movement worldwide. As the demand for sustainable agriculture continues to rise, organic farming plays a crucial role in providing an eco-friendly alternative to conventional farming methods.

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